Reader S.O.W -- Peter Dyer

I know, I know--we've been slow in going through our Reader Submissions and would like to take this time to thank everyone that has sent in work for the blog.  Right now keeping the blog going strong is a priority, though having just finished school I am trying to to allocate my time appropriately towards getting a career going in a job market thats seen better days, hence the reduced activity in the twitter feed and slow responses to submissions, so I apologize for that.

I've really been thinking that while being surrounded by such great work from current and past graphic designers and artists, we should really take the time every once in a while to give a high five to those that are starting up or don't have as much exposure.  Everyone deserves a break at least once, and I figure that with all of this social media and blogging and online portfolio sharing we are able to make that happen.  Here are some posters from Peter Dyer from Cornwall, UK, this weeks Reader SOW.

Cheers to the weekend.