Showing posts with label Kansas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas. Show all posts

Some Fine Posters by Jordan Gray

Jordan Gray is a graphic designer from Kansas City, who has made an independent film, use to be the editor for a local arts and entertainments paper, and is currently working on a children's book about beards.  His Glass Menagerie poster is my favorite, really liking the direction he took with the overall look and his use of borders and design layout. Timeless is a word misused often, and if I were to describe this piece of his, it would be timeless.

Follow him @JordanMGray

Reader Submission of the Week - BIGmention

This week's reader submission comes from Ian Stewart, aka BIGmention from Wichita, Kansas. 

Remember, you can be featured on Flyer Goodness too! Just send an email to us at

Secret Show Poster at the Echoplex by A Micah Smith

Heres the gig poster for an upcoming Secret Show at the Echoplex, designed by the talented A Micah Smith from Gardner, Kansas.  Check out his website for more posters and he also puts up good stuff on his Twitter as well.

Dustin Parker

Dustin Parker created this utterly fantastic show flyer -- it seems like a mix between angry ice cream and PacMan ghosts, but its sweet.  Check out his website, blog and twitter for more.