Western Edition And RAW Present Marvin Gaye: 25 Years Later Skate Board Deck Beanie and shirt

A fantastic new collaborative project is coming from Western Edition and RAW. A set of a t-shirt, beanie and matching skateboard deck, inspired by the great Marvin Gaye.“Every man’s life has a beginning and an end. The fact of the matter is, however, that it is what a man does with the time in between those two moments that defines how he will be remembered when it is all over. From his humble beginnings in our nation’s capital to his bizarre and tragic death at the hand of his own father, Marvin Gaye filled his moments in between with ideas that will forever maintain his status as a true genius. On April 1, 2009, the twenty-fifth anniversary of Marvin’s passing, we will, for lack of a better term, celebrate. Western Edition of San Francisco and RAW of Boston have released this collection to pay respect to the musical history that Marvin Gaye left for all of us to use as inspiration.”