"Veronica Pickles" Giclee Print
By Alex Pardee.
Ultra-Limited Edition Of 50.16" x 20"
Printed with Archival Inks on Acid Free Velvet Cotton Rag.
Each print is hand signed and numbered by Alex Pardee.
This print was part of Alex's "Letters from Digested Children" Show atUpperplayground's Fifty24SF Gallery, which featured actual letters written by the children who have been eaten and are living in the stomachs of these monsters. Below is the "Police Report" statement regarding Veronica Pickles,the child trapped in this monster.
As told by Veronica’s neighbor, Lucille McHenry: "All of the kids used to gothere, none of us parents really saw the problem with it. Hell, most of useven went there when we were kids. Of course no one was worshipping Satan,or giving kids cigarettes back then either! Regardless, we all hung outthere since it was so close to our houses. It’s right behind MY backyard.The kids now call it Greyskull, because I guess it looks like some He-Mancastle or something, but we always knew it as The Mouth. We never reallyquestioned why it looked like that, though, we just figured Mother Naturehad made a cool rock formation that looked like a scary face. Well, the wordon the street is that The Mouth has been making some weird noises lately. Usparents discussed it, and little Sammy’s dad even went to check it out, andhe’s a security guard for the Starbucks over by Admiral Lane, he’s notscared of anything! He did hear the noises though. He said it just soundedlike some kind of raccoon or something must have crawled in there and gotstuck and was singing its death rattle. We told the kids not to go backthere for a while, until Mother Nature got rid of that raccoon. But lastnight, I heard some footsteps while I was downstairs taking my third pee ofthe night. I have been drinking a lot of Gatorade lately because the doctorsaid that being hydrated will help my love life. But anyway, I lookedoutside and I swear I saw little Veronica sneaking through my juniperbushes, but I quickly brushed it off ‘cause I had just woken up and I mighthave been still kinda dreaming. But about 5:30 AM I woke up again, but notby my bladder. The loudest rumbling was coming from behind my fence, whereThe Mouth is. The ground shook like Michael J Fox and I nearly fell to thelinoleum. When the noise and the shaking ceased, I went outside. My fencewas destroyed. My junipers were ripped out of the ground. And the strangestthing…The Mouth was gone. And not only was it gone, but there must have beena 30 foot deep hole where it had been. Now who would go and dig up an entirerock formation like that in one night? I hope Veronica’s ok. But I have abad feeling that she’s not.”
Direct link to "Veronica Pickles" Print:http://zerofriends.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=28&products_id=224

"Theodore RooseFelt" Giclee Print By Alex Pardee.
Ultra-Limited Edition Of 50.16" x 20"
Printed with Archival Inks on Acid Free Velvet Cotton Rag.
Each print is hand signed and numbered by Alex Pardee.
This print is part of the "Letters from Digested Children" print bundle. Order this print in the bundle and save money. Click Here For Bundle
This print was part of Alex's "Letters from Digested Children" Show at Upperplayground's Fifty24SF Gallery, which featured actual letters written by the children who have been eaten and are living in the stomachs of these monsters. Below is the "Police Report" statement regarding Theodore RooseFelt, the child trapped in this monster.
As told by his father, Gerald Nash. “We didn’t believe him. Little Darren had an overactive imagination. He cried wolf too many times. “Dad, the TV can see me! Dad, my cereal just jumped out of my bowl and ran away! Dad, My t-shirt stuck itself to me and is sucking my blood! Dad… blah blah,” Of course none of that was true. We would humor him for years. I cut up his shirt and would tell him I could hear it scream. I would unplug the television and I made a little pretend “firewall” so that the TV couldn’t see him. But it got overwhelming. Well, his grandmother made teddy bears and sold them to the local toy stores, and for his 6th birthday, she made Darren the largest teddy bear anyone had ever seen. She had everyone in our family help out with it, it was quite impressive. It took 6 adults just to get it up to his room. He loved that thing, named it Theodore RooseFelt, which I thought was a little too clever for a 6-year old. But soon enough, just like the TV, and the bed, and the toilet, he started making claims that something was inside of it. That while he slept, Theodore would inch closer to his bed, and even once, drool trickled from the stitching where the mouth was. Naturally, we were fed up. Nancy and I refused to humor him anymore. On Thursday mornings, Nancy always made pancakes in the shape of rockets, and Darren loved those. He waited at the table every Thursday hours before Nancy would even crack an egg. But yesterday, he never showed up to the table. I went upstairs to his room, and when I opened the door, I lost my breath and immediately felt drunk with confusion. Theodore, the giant teddy bear that took 6 GROWN MEN to position in his room, had been TORN to shreds, disemboweled of his cotton, and laid lifeless on the carpet. The room was in shambles, and Darren was nowhere to be found…